Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jump and Jive

After baring my soul in the last post, I thought I’d lighten things up with a quick rundown of what Gilly’s up to at the 4 ½ month mark. No one will probably care about this except for my mom, but whatevs…I’m going to share it anyway.

A couple of weeks ago we bought Gilly the above pictured Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo, and she absolutely loves it. Her feet don’t quite reach the floor yet, so we’ve been putting my college art history textbook to good use, as you can see (sometimes we use Henry Kissinger’s Diplomacy, but that’s neither here nor there). Her favorite thing to do is grab the winged insect and squeeze the life out of it while groovin’ to the happy music. Good times. Some other happenings:

You Can’t Handle the Tooth!
Gillys’ proven to be an early teether—and a big drooler! Whenever her gums are bothering her, she does this funny little mouth thing where it looks like she’s sucking on a lemon. We let her chew on a chilled teething ring, but we haven’t used Infant Tylenol or Baby Orajel yet (I’m semi-crunchy about medicine). Her two bottom middle teeth are almost halfway in!

Rollin’, Rollin’
A couple nights before her 3-month birthday, I put Gilly down on a towel on the floor—on her back—while I went to get her bath ready. When I walked back in the room, her little naked bum was up in the air! Yes, our scrappy little girl decided to roll over for the first time on her own with no one there to witness it. And of course when we tried to get her to do it again, she wouldn’t. But now she’s rolling with abandon, both from back to tummy and tummy to back. I love seeing how determined she gets!

Too Legit to Sit
Gilly is starting to sit up on her own! Well, for a few seconds anyway, before toppling over sideways into mommy or daddy’s arms. So until Gilly masters this skill, she’s using her Boppy pillow or Bumbo seat for support. She has strong legs and LOVES to kick mommy and daddy.

Grow, Gilly, Grow!
I nursed Gilly as much as I could in the beginning, but after many struggles to make it work, she’s now exclusively on formula…and thriving! At her 4-month pediatrician visit she was 15+ pounds and 26 inches, putting her in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for length. (I kind of hate it when parents brag about their kids' percentiles, but I totally just did it. WHO AM I???)

Cereal Killah
Gilly tried cereal for the first time a couple weeks ago, and she wasn’t a huge fan at first. We’ve since played around with the texture and switched from rice cereal to oatmeal and she likes it a lot better. She still only eats it once a day (at night), but we’ll probably start adding a second feeling soon. Not that you needed to know that. :-)